power of attorney

RK Wills consultants will guide you through the process of granting power of attorney or lasting power of attorney for the eventuality that you may not have the mental capacity to do this when the time comes. Approximately only 1% of adults in the UK have registered power of attorney. The government recommends that everyone should register lasting power of attorney to plan for unforeseen circumstances that render you unable to do so. 

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Without power of attorney or lasting power of attorney in place, your loved ones will be unable to make decisions on your behalf and may have to apply to the Court of Protection for permission to make financial and welfare decisions regarding your care.

Power of attorney grants one or more people the right to make financial decisions for you when you need help. This might be if you are struggling with mobility and need someone to buy provisions for you, if you’re in hospital and need support making decisions about your mortgage, bills or personal finances or if you want someone to help make decisions when you are still able to supervise their actions. Power of attorney is usually temporary and can only be granted when you have sufficient mental capacity.

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To learn more about our services, fill in our form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you are welcome to give us a call on 0116 326 4050 or send us an email and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

We're Here to HelP

In the unfortunate instance that you become mentally incapacitated, having lasting power of attorney in place will enable those with permission, your attorney or attorneys, to make decisions about your finances, welfare, care and health.

The process of filling in the power of attorney form can be arduous and require you to think about different scenarios that may be difficult to imagine. The team at RK Wills are experienced at guiding clients through this sensitive process and ensuring the decisions you put in place.

Get in touch to arrange a free, no obligation, consultation to discuss your requirements and ask our team of specialists any questions you may have.



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